Saturday, February 03, 2007

OHL Action

I don't know if you've ever seen The Colbert Report, a very witty fake news show from the States. It stars Stephen Colbert as a parody of opinonated right-wing pundits and airs four nights a week on CTV, at 11:30. It's a spin-off of Jon Stewart's Daily Show. It's almost as good as 22 Minutes or The Mercer Report.

Anyway, believe it or not, the Peterborough Petes' biggest rivals got a shoutout from the famous American comedian -- the Oshawa Generals have been prominently featured on his show three or four times. Here is one:

Edited: I had to change the video to a local news clip about the bet, because all of the (copyrighted) Colbert Report videos have been taken off Youtube


Stevie B said...

I don't think the video works. It didn't for me anyway.

Glad to see you're finally updating again!

Lauren said...

Hmm... the link still works for me at this point. But thanks :) I'm going to at least try to keep up with it.